An overview of all senders that support Digital Receipt can be found in the app once you've activated the delivery activation.
To activate delivery activation: How do I activate the reception of digital mail?
After activation, in the app, under "My Profile" -> "Manage Senders," you can see an overview of all senders that support digital receipt.
There, you have the option to decide which documents you want to receive digitally and which you do not. If you do not wish to receive a sender's documents digitally, you can disable it with the sender.
Please note that there are shipments that cannot be transmitted digitally for legal and/or functional reasons. These shipments will continue to be delivered physically.
If you want to receive your entire daily mail digitally, we recommend activating the "Scanning Service" widget. Here is a guide on how to do it: How can I activate the ePost Scanning Service?
We are constantly working to make more partners available to improve your digital experience.
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